
Apr 14, 2010

Looking at cars

Today we took the car to get a new key. The old one stopped working, and we have been missing the car... It's embarrasing to have to hitch a ride with all my friends all the time when I have a car standing in the parking lot.

So while we were waiting for the key to be made, we went about looking at the cars there... and my, oh my how many wonderfull cars there were!
My heart fell for this lovely black Mercedes E220. It was just the right size. Not too tall, not too low. It's a 5 seat, 5 doors beauty. And it looks really really classy. The luggage room is big enough to fit a baby carriage and it is a really safe car for both adults and children. It is absolutely full of gadgets and gizmos, like automated parking and everything!
Here's and image I took with my cell. *DROOL*

It's allowed to dream.... is it not?

Anyways... the thing I noticed afterwards was that most of the discusions we had about size was about if it would fit a baby carriage ^^. Says a lot :)...

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