
Sep 28, 2010

On good manners.

I am sometimes astonished today to see how some people behave. To think that in just 30 or so years etiquette and manners have much gone out the window in everyday society.

This year, for m birthday, my husband had invited some friends over for a party. "Come at 6" he had said, so at a litle over 5 I was still dresses in my undies and was walking to the bathroom to put my pair of corsets on when there was a knock on the door, followed shortly by the entrance of two of our friends and their baby.

I was so embarrased, and not only for my own sake! For me, it's the hight of rudeness to arrive early for a party. Ok, 5 minutes is alright, but when you arrive an hour ahead of time! It's just not done! It's not only rude, but very inconciderate. There I, the hostess, was in my undies. No make-up on, hair un-done and food stil on the stove. I just have to ask myself: "what were they thinking?"

The excuse was that their baby was just perfect for traveling and going away just then. That she was fed, awake and happy. For me, that is still no excuse for rudeness and bad behaviour. Ofcourse, it was convenient for them to go at that moment with her being serene. I can understand that, but they did not even concider that they might be rude arriving an hour early.

The same evening there was also another episode of bad etiquette: one of the guests that was invited had rsvp'd yes, but did not show. When we texted her later she told that her son was a bit ill so she had decided to stay home instead. And that is totally understandable, no argument there, however when you decide not to go... pick up the phone and send a message, or call, to tell the host or hostess that you're not coming after all. It's just the right thing to do!

So in light of this I have decided to write a small series of posts about etiquette and manners... starting with: What to do when you are invited!

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