
Mar 9, 2010

School catching up to me... :(

It's really late. I'm about to get ready to go to bed. In the back of my head something is telling me to stop and think...then it dawns on me. I have a paper due tomorrow! So i rush around looking up the right information. Downloads the paper from the school website and opens a empty document on my computer. I check the due time, 12 hours 34 minutes left, ok... this I can do.... then I look at the assignment. It's based on an article. OK, so where is the article? Not in the booklet i bought at semester start... that's for sure... and not in a book I've got either. Oh no! I never bought it! They didn't have it yet when i bought the books for this semester, and I never went back to check if I had missed something! How incredible stupid of me!!!
*sitting down by the desk*
Oh my... what am I to do? I'm thinking of writing the alumnus to tell him what has happened, and hope for him to allow me to deliver it later this week.

On a lighter note:
I got a new vacuum cleaner today! Yeay! I have not been so exited about a house holding tool for ages. But just look at it! 
It's an Electrolux Ergorapido 2-in-1, and I absolutely LOVE it! I also had a visitor over today and I made Nasi Gorang, or fried rice, for dinner and got praises for it. And what house wife does not enjoy getting prais for a well done meal?

Anyways. Now I have to write that mail and hope for the best.

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